الدورات التطويرية

المالية لغير الماليين
المالية لغير الماليين


  • Understand the significance of financial information for decision-making.
  • Analyze financial statements using key ratios.
  • Familiarize themselves with essential accounting and finance terms.
  • Appreciate the budgeting process and its impact on organizational performance.
  • Identify components necessary for enhancing profitability.
  • Participate actively in finance-related activities during the course.
تقنيات تحلية المياه المالحة
تقنيات تحلية المياه المالحة


  • Identify the principles and processes of various desalination technologies.
  • Evaluate the advantages and limitations of different desalination techniques.
  • Analyze the environmental and economic implications of desalination technologies.
  • Apply knowledge of desalination technologies to real-world scenarios and case studies.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the current and emerging trends in saline water desalination.

مهارات التشغيل في عمليات التحكم
مهارات التشغيل في عمليات التحكم


  • Describe the dynamic characteristics of process control systems. 
  • explain the feedback, cascade, feedforward, ratio and split-range control system.  
  • troubleshoot the system and practice the tuning and troubleshooting of various types of processes.